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SECRETS Vol 4 eBook HM Ward

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Download PDF SECRETS Vol 4 eBook HM Ward

SECRETS Vol 4 eBook HM Ward

This story has pulled me into Anna and Cole's lives right from the start. Anna's character has grown right before my eyes, maturing, becoming more confident in herself with every book. I feel her reactions to the destruction that Sottero and her minions are plotting for Cole. Their cruelty in the last volume broke something in Anna, and she's digging in her heels, finally ready to fight for what she believes in, who she believes in. And that person is Cole. When she tries to tell him how she feels, he lashes back, thinking that she's lying. She's so angry that she gets on her bike and heads home in the rain. Before she gets very far, she loses control and flips it, terrified as it drags her under. But Cole is instantly right there, lifting it off of her, checking the damage to her leg. But even as he carefully tends to her leg wound, his attitude doesn't change. He's still convinced she's working with the enemy. Once she makes it to her parent's and gets cleaned up, she and her father have a talk that just blew me away. His words just brought the whole mess into focus, and it gave her the courage not to give up, to stand and fight for what she believes in. The rest of this episode leads us down a pathway to a place where she can deal calmly with Cole's fears and preconceptions, where she can say the words he needs to hear. But I have to warn you, it ends in the mother of all cliffhangers, and if volume 5 wasn't waiting on my carousel, I would be having a hissy fit instead of calmly writing my review. Just one more book, and it's done!

Read SECRETS Vol 4 eBook HM Ward

Tags : SECRETS Vol. 4 eBook: H.M. Ward: Kindle Store,ebook,H.M. Ward,SECRETS Vol. 4,Laree Bailey Press,FICTION Contemporary Women,FICTION Romance Contemporary

SECRETS Vol 4 eBook HM Ward Reviews

Holly has outdone herself in this book! I am so hooked to this story it's like Crack to me! Anna and Cole finally have their moment. Edward is being extra creepy and soterro is up to something I can't figure out yet. I am anxious for book 5! I have to know just what a going on and who is watching anna.
Holy hotness... I was fanning myself in this one. And screaming! Volume 3 I seriously wanted to shake Cole. He's soooo darn stubborn and why fight the attraction. But you really feel for the character Anna. A lot is going on and if you picked up the first three you know what is going on. A LOT! I don't wanna spoil but wow! I had a feeling but still the impact of volume 4 was still really great. Gotta love seeing Anna's parents again in volume 4. Love them and love Anna and Cole.
"At night, when Anna closes her eyes, everything comes rushing back; the sensuous sound of Cole's voice, his scalding touch, and the way his eyes roved over her body like he could never get enough. Flirtation, promises of passionate sex, and nights filled with Cole's sexy smile are gone. Anna worries that her crush on Cole was something more, because her life is total agony without him."

Love, love, love the Secrets series. Good author. Lots of anticipation and build up. Couldn't put the book down. Wow! I was on pins and needles waiting to see what would happen next! Recommended for adults as the book has explicit content.
Installment 4 of Secrets puts the readers mind and emotions through a virtual blender......

Anna just can't catch a break! She does everything she can to try and get Cole to see how much he means to her, but he's so jaded and insecure from his past that she can't reach him. Sophia is taking him to the cleaners and goes as far as to make up a lie involving Anna, and that pushes him over the edge. He's confident that Anna doesn't love him and has just been using him for his money and eventually will leave. After so many attempts to try and get through to him she finally walks away.
Jesse becomes a larger part of Anna's life, she makes some big decisions involving school, and when she finds out about Sophia's lie, she makes an even larger life altering decision!
Anna still battles with the feeling of someone constantly following her and watching her every move. Edward seems to show up around every corner, and Cole seems to show up just when she makes a decision to move on with her life after a heart to heart with Emma.
This book has one of the sexiest scenes I have ever read that will leaves your toes curled!! You'll find your heart breaking, your soul craving resolution, and fear......a must read!
All 5 installments/books have been released and my recommendation is to read them as a set. Combined they make a 600 page read. I read 3 of the books last year. Once the remaining 2 were released I did a quick "refresher" of book 1-3 and continued with book 4 and 5.

Anna Lamore (22 years/photography student-intern/dark brown hair) meets Cole Stevens (38 years/photographer-boss/$$$/dark brown hair/blue eyes) when applying for an internship. He is her last choices initially - so much she interviewed in rain boots, ugly clothes, with a determined, rebellious and cocky attitude. Cole surprises her by obliterating her preconceived notions of him. Instead he persuades her accept an internship at his studio and so a very complicated and tumultuous relationship begins.

Cole played the part of the troubled, secretive, elusive, neglected, rich playboy alpha male very well. Though the lust and attraction is there he withholds so much of himself from Anna. He maintains and pretty much respects the boss-intern relationship. But don't fret there was lots of sexual tension throughout the series. As for Anna she was sweet and naive from a working class background. As the story progressed she stepped up and grew a backbone.

Without revealing much more I will say to expect anything from betrayal and secrets to scorned exes and stalkers... I enjoyed this series, much thanks to Cole. Pssst! Ms. Ward, I'd very much like to read Emma's story!

Hero rating 4.5 stars
Heroine rating 3.5 stars
Story line rating 4.5 stars
Story ending rating 4 stars
Sex scenes rating 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency * see below
Overall rating 4.5 stars

* The sex scenes are slow in coming, but there is plenty of sexual tension.

Would I recommend this book Yes.
Would I re-read this book Maybe.
Would I read future books by this author Yes.
This story has pulled me into Anna and Cole's lives right from the start. Anna's character has grown right before my eyes, maturing, becoming more confident in herself with every book. I feel her reactions to the destruction that Sottero and her minions are plotting for Cole. Their cruelty in the last volume broke something in Anna, and she's digging in her heels, finally ready to fight for what she believes in, who she believes in. And that person is Cole. When she tries to tell him how she feels, he lashes back, thinking that she's lying. She's so angry that she gets on her bike and heads home in the rain. Before she gets very far, she loses control and flips it, terrified as it drags her under. But Cole is instantly right there, lifting it off of her, checking the damage to her leg. But even as he carefully tends to her leg wound, his attitude doesn't change. He's still convinced she's working with the enemy. Once she makes it to her parent's and gets cleaned up, she and her father have a talk that just blew me away. His words just brought the whole mess into focus, and it gave her the courage not to give up, to stand and fight for what she believes in. The rest of this episode leads us down a pathway to a place where she can deal calmly with Cole's fears and preconceptions, where she can say the words he needs to hear. But I have to warn you, it ends in the mother of all cliffhangers, and if volume 5 wasn't waiting on my carousel, I would be having a hissy fit instead of calmly writing my review. Just one more book, and it's done!
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