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[IVN]∎ [PDF] Free Strangers' Gate edition by Tom Casey Literature Fiction eBooks

Strangers' Gate edition by Tom Casey Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF Strangers' Gate  edition by Tom Casey Literature  Fiction eBooks

“We create what we need from the wreckage of what we’ve lost,” Jason Walker says to a friend at a beach bar on the Caribbean island of St. Croix. Ex-businessman, pilot, poet, and adventurer, Walker has followed his bliss and tripped over his past. Her name is Charlotte Lansing. Her husband Alan is a vulture capitalist who keeps his wife on a short leash. With ties to money laundering, pornography and the drug trade, he marks them both for death. Jason and Charlotte are in a race for their lives. But no one can run forever…
On location in New York, Alaska, and on Caribbean Islands, Strangers’Gate is a lyrical novel of great accomplishment.

Strangers' Gate edition by Tom Casey Literature Fiction eBooks

Strangers' Gate is a different novel than what the jacket description might tell you. Sure there are villains and edge-of-your-seat suspense near the end of the novel, but the main point of this novel, I felt, was not to create just another action-thriller. The book is only about 250 pages long, and the first 200 are really a character study of the main character. Those first 200 pages are spent mostly following the main character along as he tries to figure out his life.

The main character is Jason Walker, a pilot who is currently going through a tough divorce. Jason moves down to St. Croix to take a job flying airboats on a charter basis to other islands in the area. While there, Jason is trying to understand his life. The one thing he knows is that flying planes is his one true peace in life, but that is about it. He's not sure how he feels about his divorce, and when an old flame reappears in his life, he thinks its a good thing, but it turns out to be the gateway for much worse things to start happening to him.

My advice to readers: don't read the jacket description of the novel. Trust me when I say that the novel is enjoyable for what it is, not what the jacket says. Plus, the jacket description basically gives away what is going to happen in the last parts of the novel. If I hadn't read the jacket description, I would have had no idea of where the book was going, and it would have been that much more shocking than what it was.

Tom Casey has obvious skill as a writer. Being a former pilot, the way he writes about flying is beautiful, and you can tell that the author loves flying just as much as the main character does. Also, Casey shows some brilliance in the dialog area. Conversations between the characters are deep and meaningful, and even when the subject matter seems to roam from the main point of the novel, I was still enjoying what I was reading. Some characters are shallow, yes, but those characters are offset by the more important, developed characters that you grow to identify with. I really think that Tom Casey could be an amazing writer. Once the tension kicked in in the novel, it was really intense and well-written. I think that if Casey would write a 400-500 page novel to take the time to develop a better plot, the rewards for us readers would be infinite.

One thing is for sure: I'll be right there for Tom Casey's next novel.

Product details

  • File Size 478 KB
  • Print Length 266 pages
  • Publisher Tom Casey; One edition (December 21, 2009)
  • Publication Date December 21, 2009
  • Language English

Read Strangers' Gate  edition by Tom Casey Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Strangers' Gate - Kindle edition by Tom Casey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Strangers' Gate.,ebook,Tom Casey,Strangers' Gate,Tom Casey,FICTION Erotica
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Strangers' Gate edition by Tom Casey Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

This book has received some very positive reviews, or at minimum, some rave blurbs. The book however is completely uneven. The concept and orienation are intriguing. Some sections of the novel are excellent - edge of your seat suspense writing combined with characters that express some depth. The author periodically demonstrates true talent. One of the early chapters, which reads like an inserted short story, is outstanding. However, much of the novel is absolute pulp, below average at best - plot contrivances, cartoon characters, cliches; everything that is wrong with 95% of the trash that gets published today. I mean when the villain of the novel is a swindling, wife-beating investment banker / porn producer who also happens to launder money for Latin American drug lords when he is not frequenting S&M clubs or looking at kiddie porn on his computer, I start to think that maybe the author has spent a little too much time at high altitudes. Mr. Casey has potential. Next flight out he should just keep his eye on the controls and not attempt any foolish maneuvers.
Adventure, sex, the best of the human spirit and darkest; from the first page to the very last, readers will find themselves captivated by extraordinary characters, beautifully described locales, and the charm of this accomplished writer. Strangers Gate will leave men lusting and dreaming of roads not taken, or perhaps reminiscing; women will find themselves with thoughts all too familiar, of what has been, could have been, or still can be. Sexual tension is laced throughout. Strangers' Gate is a brilliant lyrical torture of the senses.
Author Tom Casey has a gift for combining a brilliant and invigorating use of the English language with a flair for adventure and outrageous characters that jump into your mind to stay. The plot moves its main characters through intense relationships and classic moral confrontations, while providing a vehicle for sharing flying sequences and exotic locales that transport

imagination to a level not often found in modern Summer reads. This is a book that should establish the author as one of those rare animals a writer with an identifiable literary style. Casey's characters and his plot are truly liberated by a refreshing, palpable use of language. This is a recommended read on many levels, and a must read if you love to share intense experiences in the cockpit you will never forget. Casey carries the literary genetics of Ernie Gann and Normal Mailer and places his own brand on this exciting offering. It will leave the reader waiting for his next work.
I did enjoy the book very much and look forward to reading more by Tom Casey.
As someone else posted the jacket notes are misleading. There is not a mystery so much as a series of events and locales to travel through.
The writing most often entices the reader.
Unfortunately two central characters are stereotypes. It was telling when one was taking out the recycles. He was so loosely defined that I had to recycle characters from other sources to make him authentic.
As a student pilot I would have valued more of the pilot's perspective; especially because the author clearly expressed his love of flight so well.
Except for one, the women characters were devise props and window dressing. I wished there was more to them when they got out of bed.
I wondered if the author was rushed to finish and was unable to flesh out the characters more.
Strangers' Gate is a different novel than what the jacket description might tell you. Sure there are villains and edge-of-your-seat suspense near the end of the novel, but the main point of this novel, I felt, was not to create just another action-thriller. The book is only about 250 pages long, and the first 200 are really a character study of the main character. Those first 200 pages are spent mostly following the main character along as he tries to figure out his life.

The main character is Jason Walker, a pilot who is currently going through a tough divorce. Jason moves down to St. Croix to take a job flying airboats on a charter basis to other islands in the area. While there, Jason is trying to understand his life. The one thing he knows is that flying planes is his one true peace in life, but that is about it. He's not sure how he feels about his divorce, and when an old flame reappears in his life, he thinks its a good thing, but it turns out to be the gateway for much worse things to start happening to him.

My advice to readers don't read the jacket description of the novel. Trust me when I say that the novel is enjoyable for what it is, not what the jacket says. Plus, the jacket description basically gives away what is going to happen in the last parts of the novel. If I hadn't read the jacket description, I would have had no idea of where the book was going, and it would have been that much more shocking than what it was.

Tom Casey has obvious skill as a writer. Being a former pilot, the way he writes about flying is beautiful, and you can tell that the author loves flying just as much as the main character does. Also, Casey shows some brilliance in the dialog area. Conversations between the characters are deep and meaningful, and even when the subject matter seems to roam from the main point of the novel, I was still enjoying what I was reading. Some characters are shallow, yes, but those characters are offset by the more important, developed characters that you grow to identify with. I really think that Tom Casey could be an amazing writer. Once the tension kicked in in the novel, it was really intense and well-written. I think that if Casey would write a 400-500 page novel to take the time to develop a better plot, the rewards for us readers would be infinite.

One thing is for sure I'll be right there for Tom Casey's next novel.
Ebook PDF Strangers' Gate  edition by Tom Casey Literature  Fiction eBooks

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