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Forever Right Now edition by Emma Scott Literature Fiction eBooks

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Forever Right Now edition by Emma Scott Literature Fiction eBooks

When one of your favorite authors writes a new book, as a blogger and fan you drop everything and free up time to read and review. I almost didn't read this one, bad blogger and fan, bad. True story. But I came to my senses and I'm not above begging for an ARC, so that's what I did.

We met Darlene in The Butterfly Project when she was at her lowest - an overdose that almost killed her forced her to take a hard look at her life, get clean and take charge of herself again. Two years without drugs, a boyfriend who doesn't even have the cojones to dump her face to face and Darlene is ready for a fresh start in a city where nobody knows about her past.

Darlene is a warm, sweet heroine with a super-soft heart. She is always friendly and tries to stay upbeat. Her new neighbor, Sawyer, is a jerk but she senses his exhaustion, the daily stress of providing for his daughter, studying for his finals and bar exam leave him on edge. So she does something that's so inherently Darlene: she kills him with kindness, gentleness and care. She's an absolutely endearing heroine who is constantly facing her demons but never lets them pull her under. It was incredibly sweet to watch her fall in love not only with the hero but also with his sweet, bright daughter Livvie.

Sawyer is a grump - that's what stress does to him and it's pretty understandable seeing how he cares for his daughter, who was just dumped in his lap by the mother, and trying to finish law school to give his girl a better life. But when Sawyer has to face his worst fears he becomes stoic and builds a wall of ice around him. Only those who know him well enough see it for what it is. He may act like a jerk and idiot sometimes but when all that falls off of him he is a beautiful man with a heart the size of Texas. The love for his daughter, how he handles her with utmost care and reverence, is so incredibly touching. And it wouldn't be Emma Scott if Sawyer didn't have a heart-breaking past.

The first half of the story was not as angsty as I expected from Emma Scott but that's not necessarily a bad thing because once you're past that she cranks up the anxiety-slider and I got the familiar delicious squeeze in my chest, the one that has your heart beating in your throat. She builds up the chemistry between the characters at a steady pace but doesn't give us the release we crave, no, she keeps on going, letting the sexual tension crackle until we are just about to blow. But that was fine with me - these characters really had to sort through a lot of baggage before they could focus on their relationship.

Emma is a masterful emotion conjurer. She has this way of tying you to her characters and making you care deeply about them. Those are big personalities with depth and layers. And that doesn't just go for the main cast, the side characters all have a story to tell as well, so you wonder if they'll be happy in the future, what life has in store for them. Max and Jax shine almost as bright as Darlene and Sawyer. And don't get me started on the adorable Livvie, who took off with my heart and didn't let go. Also, if you loved Zelda and Beck from TBP a much as I did you'll be happy to hear that we get to catch up with them!
And then...then there is the twist that will make you fall in love with Sawyer even harder.

Again, Ms. Scott weaves a gorgeous story that shows her own heart beautifully. It is charged with emotion, kindness and sweetness. It's true that we always measure authors against their best work and the Full Tilt Duet and The Butterfly Project still remain my favorite by Emma Scott - they play in a league of their own - but do not underestimate the power of this story and the punch it packs. This author isn't one of my favorites for nothing and she made me fall in love with one of her stories yet again.

“A tornado, Darlene,” he whispered. “I’m swept up.”

Read Forever Right Now  edition by Emma Scott Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Forever Right Now - Kindle edition by Emma Scott. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Forever Right Now.,ebook,Emma Scott,Forever Right Now,Fiction Coming of Age,Fiction Romance New Adult

Forever Right Now edition by Emma Scott Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Emma Scott, What have you done to me? The feels! Oh my gosh, the feels upon feels in this book! I’ve lost the ability to even. Forever Right Now is raw emotions wrapped tightly in a cocoon of pure tenderness.

Are you kidding me right now with Sawyer the Lawyer? Heart, be still. The law student is scary smart, handsome, and selfless. Okay, so he may seem cold and kind of a jerk on the outside, but that’s just his way of protecting what’s most important to him. That leads me to the fact that he’s a devoted single father to an absolutely adorable one-year-old, Olivia. Alert the ovaries!

Darlene the Tornado is a breath of fresh air. She’s such a giving soul, and I admired her ability to seek the positive in all things. Believe me, she faces more than her fair share of challenges and demons, but somehow her bright light and optimism never fade.

This love story has many sides, and I adored every single one of them. There’s an exquisite magnetism—and, might I mention, the most gratifying slow burn—between Sawyer and Darlene; a natural connection between Darlene and Olivia; and, of course, Sawyer and Olivia’s captivating affection.

Okay, so I may have grabbed a tissue or two, but that’s what you’d expect with a story that’s so intensely moving. It has its fair share of angst, but the uplifting message of hope and determination is breathtaking. The epilogue is absolute perfection.

Emma Scott has slain the heck out of this book. It’s worthy of all the stars. Be prepared to pull an all-nighter because I have a feeling that when you start reading it will be difficult for you to stop.

Recommended for fans of
Single dads
Second chances
Irresistible toddlers
Tuna Casserole
Reviewed by Sharon Thérèse

Why I hadn’t discovered Scott up until now is a question I can’t possibly answer. Perhaps too much reading to catch up on with one’s never ending TBR list... But when I one-clicked on Forever Right Now, I knew straightaway that this one was going to be right up my alley. I don’t want dark issues or books that upset me; what I look for is pure and utter entertainment and the added angst which this author gave me in just the right places, was exactly what I needed. And to say I was impressed by her expressive writing would be putting it mildly. Scott has managed to develop a plot that hits home; that’s easily related to in the times we live in. Well-thought-out and impeccable character development stands out, too. And this folks, is exactly what I look for in a five star read. The cover I appreciated more and more as I got to know Darlene Montgomery. Her quandaries, her thoughts for the future, whether she’ll be able to find what she is looking for… or not, is perfectly portrayed in an image of thoughtfulness, of light and future.

I have to say that Darlene’s secret was revealed earlier than I expected it to. Understandably, it is well-kept from someone who she begins to get to know. More than one opportunity arises, but her not being forthcoming was firstly because she has to comes to terms with her past before getting involved in any kind of relationship and secondly, her concern about how it's going to be received. Foremost on her mind was taking time out, finding herself and her way in new surroundings seemed to me to be a natural step in the right direction. And of course, by doing so I have to commend. He, Sawyer Haas, wasn’t on the cards though.

Sawyer. Blinkin’ heck...the bomb was dropped in the epilogue! No-one should have to go through what he did at such a crucial point in their lives. It all appeared to be so unfair; however, he opens his heart under the harshest of circumstances in such a way that this reader had to make a sudden dash for her man-sized hanky. Sawyer is an inspiration for all young people who could find themselves in a similar position. Without any social life except for his best mates, Sawyer does the best he can and oh boy, this gorgeous lad with a heart of gold does a damn good job regardless of the constant pressure he’s getting from all angles. I really did feel sorry for him and even wondered if he’d be able to find a solution, keep what he cherished most, what gave him such joy and meaning.  

Talk about neighbourly love isn’t in it! If Darlene confuses Sawyer, she’s even more confused by her feelings for him. But if anyone can grab the bull by its horns, it is her. An admirable, chatty and loving lass, she just happens to be there when he needs a helping hand and here is where the story picks up at a really fast pace. Consequently, I couldn’t put the book down and did an all-nighter! The past tense narrative from dual-perspectives couldn’t have been better, the secondary character development, spot on. The twist floored me...the author’s research into family law was perfect seeing as I had no idea how cases such as this one work in the U.S. Now then, I didn’t read the blurb since this book was recommended to me and I would suggest you do the same. That being said, I did read it after finishing the book and think that it could spoil the read a tad if you do. I love the mystery behind any story and believe you me, I wasn’t in the slightest bit let down in this one. Bravo Ms Scott!  
When one of your favorite authors writes a new book, as a blogger and fan you drop everything and free up time to read and review. I almost didn't read this one, bad blogger and fan, bad. True story. But I came to my senses and I'm not above begging for an ARC, so that's what I did.

We met Darlene in The Butterfly Project when she was at her lowest - an overdose that almost killed her forced her to take a hard look at her life, get clean and take charge of herself again. Two years without drugs, a boyfriend who doesn't even have the cojones to dump her face to face and Darlene is ready for a fresh start in a city where nobody knows about her past.

Darlene is a warm, sweet heroine with a super-soft heart. She is always friendly and tries to stay upbeat. Her new neighbor, Sawyer, is a jerk but she senses his exhaustion, the daily stress of providing for his daughter, studying for his finals and bar exam leave him on edge. So she does something that's so inherently Darlene she kills him with kindness, gentleness and care. She's an absolutely endearing heroine who is constantly facing her demons but never lets them pull her under. It was incredibly sweet to watch her fall in love not only with the hero but also with his sweet, bright daughter Livvie.

Sawyer is a grump - that's what stress does to him and it's pretty understandable seeing how he cares for his daughter, who was just dumped in his lap by the mother, and trying to finish law school to give his girl a better life. But when Sawyer has to face his worst fears he becomes stoic and builds a wall of ice around him. Only those who know him well enough see it for what it is. He may act like a jerk and idiot sometimes but when all that falls off of him he is a beautiful man with a heart the size of Texas. The love for his daughter, how he handles her with utmost care and reverence, is so incredibly touching. And it wouldn't be Emma Scott if Sawyer didn't have a heart-breaking past.

The first half of the story was not as angsty as I expected from Emma Scott but that's not necessarily a bad thing because once you're past that she cranks up the anxiety-slider and I got the familiar delicious squeeze in my chest, the one that has your heart beating in your throat. She builds up the chemistry between the characters at a steady pace but doesn't give us the release we crave, no, she keeps on going, letting the sexual tension crackle until we are just about to blow. But that was fine with me - these characters really had to sort through a lot of baggage before they could focus on their relationship.

Emma is a masterful emotion conjurer. She has this way of tying you to her characters and making you care deeply about them. Those are big personalities with depth and layers. And that doesn't just go for the main cast, the side characters all have a story to tell as well, so you wonder if they'll be happy in the future, what life has in store for them. Max and Jax shine almost as bright as Darlene and Sawyer. And don't get me started on the adorable Livvie, who took off with my heart and didn't let go. Also, if you loved Zelda and Beck from TBP a much as I did you'll be happy to hear that we get to catch up with them!
And then...then there is the twist that will make you fall in love with Sawyer even harder.

Again, Ms. Scott weaves a gorgeous story that shows her own heart beautifully. It is charged with emotion, kindness and sweetness. It's true that we always measure authors against their best work and the Full Tilt Duet and The Butterfly Project still remain my favorite by Emma Scott - they play in a league of their own - but do not underestimate the power of this story and the punch it packs. This author isn't one of my favorites for nothing and she made me fall in love with one of her stories yet again.

“A tornado, Darlene,” he whispered. “I’m swept up.”
Ebook PDF Forever Right Now  edition by Emma Scott Literature  Fiction eBooks

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